
District News
Black History Month Tucson Unified School DistrictCTE Month Celebrate Today, Own Tomorrow!
School News
'A' School Recognition

A Rated School

Carrillo has been recognized as an 'A' school by the Arizona Department of Education for the 2023-2024 school year!
Blending Breakfast

Our students got a chance to make breakfast – with a bike! We partnered with Tucson Unified Food Services who brought their stationary bikes connected to blenders, and students pedaled their way to a fresh-made smoothie.
We're Hooked on Books!

A boy with glasses reads a Pete the Cat bookCarrillo is pleased to announce that we have received a $2,000 from the Assistance League’s “Hooked On Books” Program. This grant will benefit students in grades 1, 2, and 5 as teachers select books to support their magnet units. Thank you!

Thank You, Simply Taxes!
Logo for Simply Taxes CPA, PLLC Helping You Navigate the Accounting MazeCarrillo would like to acknowledge Simply Taxes for their generous donation to Carrillo’s playground! Students will be voting on the use of these funds which will improve lunch recess for all students.