
Welcome Back 2022-2023
Hello Carrillo Families and Community Members,

Welcome to the start of the 2022-23 school year! I am looking forward to another outstanding year with your students! While you have been on summer vacation, we’ve been busy on campus getting campus ready for the return of our young cougars. We are looking forward to having students back on campus, bringing the building back to life. I wanted to give you all an update on the beginning of this school year so that you have time to plan and prepare.

Classroom Assignments and Procedures
Teacher Assignments: Teacher teams met and reviewed a variety of data to ensure that students were placed where they would be the most successful. Classroom assignments will be available the week of August 1st and will be posted at our “Meet the Teacher” event on Wednesday August 3rd from 2:00 – 3:00 pm. If you are unable to attend the “Meet the Teacher Event, please give the office a call and we can help you. Class assignments will also be available on your Parent Vue account once the school year rolls over.
Supplies: Many parents have reached out and asked about supply lists. Teachers will give their supply lists out at the Meet the Teacher event. They will also be posted on our website once TUSD completes the website rollover. We have also included supply lists as an attachment to this ParentLink document. If for any reason there is a problem, please email [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] and we’ll get the list out to you.
Absences: This year is extremely important to your child’s growth. With that, it is extremely important they are in school every single day to be successful. Research shows that missing more than 8 days of school can cause significant gaps in a student’s education. Please try to schedule appointments or family outings around the school schedule. If a student is consistently absent, a member of the Family Support Team will reach out to see how we can best support you.
Volunteers / Visitors: Parents that want to volunteer are welcomed back on campus. Speak with our office manager (Kenia Alvarado-Martinez) or our Magnet Coordinator (Rebecca Stroup) to learn how you can volunteer! We also encourage families to attend PTO meetings to learn about other ways to support our Carrillo Cougars.

Health and Safety
Masks: We will continue to follow the Pima County guidance for masking. If community spread is green or yellow masks will remain optional but recommended. However, if community spread enters red, masks will be required. For more information, please see the TUSD COVID-19 dashboard. http://www.tusd1.org/Covid-19.
Breakfast/Lunch: School lunches are no longer free for all students . We are asking all families to apply to the free/reduced lunch program online (https://mealapp.tusd1.org/ ). This will allow many families to have reduced or no cost meals, and will also ensure that Carrillo continues to receive its correct Title I funding in the future. This funding impacts our instructional program so its very important that all eligible families are accounted for, even if you send your child to school with lunch.
Snacks: Snacks can be brought from home; however, we continue to ask that students not to share anything with others as a health precaution.
Cleanliness: Measures are still in place to keep students clean and safe at school. We will continue to practice our thorough cleaning and sanitization procedures that were effective last year. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please feel free to reach out.

Transportation and Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Drop Off and Pick Up: The only designated student drop off and pick up area is located at 17th Street (one street south of Carrillo School). This is a stop and go area only. For the safety of your student please do not drop off your student at school prior to 7:35 am as there is no supervision available before this time. If you are planning to accompany your student inside the building for an appointment, we welcome you choose the parking lot in the front of the school to park.
Dismissal: Parent Pickup will continue to be at 17th street. Thank you for remaining in your car. We’ll be using radios and a loudspeaker to call for students this year in hopes of speeding up the the process. Thank you for your help! If your child is walking/riding home, thank you for ensuring the office has a note giving permission at the beginning of every school year. Thank you for making any pickup arrangements with your student prior to your student coming to school.
Transportation: Bus information will be available on ParentVue. IF you have questions about transportation eligibility, please visit http://www.tusd1.org/Departments/Transportation

If you have other question, please email or call me or bring them with you one of our upcoming events on campus. We are looking forward to having you back!

Thank you for your commitment to Carrillo and TUSD. We are so excited to begin this year in partnership with you and help your student reach for the stars!

All my best,
Kirstin Bittel
[email protected]