
School Photos - Meet the Teacher
Carrillo families had a blast meeting their new teachers and exploring the newly revamped library! Shoutout to Sylvia Morales, who worked tirelessly all summer to transform the library into a bright, comfy space for students!
A welcome sign greets families in one of Carrillo's classrooms
A teacher talks with a student and her mom
A girl walks into the revamped library, with her mouth open in awe
A mom smiles with her two sons making heart hands
A teacher shows a group of her female students a craft
School Photos - Spring Luau
Carrillo K-5 Magnet School students and families transported themselves into a tropical state of mind for the school’s annual Spring Luau. Attendees had a variety of games to pick from, as well as yummy treats to enjoy, while having fun as the school year starts coming to an end!
A boy in sunglasses and a black shirt gets ready to throw some pink water balloons
A family walks through the luau
Carrillo's principal smiles and poses with a little girl.
A little boy in a yellow shirt smiles while playing plinko
A teacher smiles in her colorful leis
School Photos - Pickleball Clinic
On March 22, 3rd and 4th grade students at Carrillo K-5 Magnet School were treated to a little pickleball clinic. Steve Gall, who volunteers with Carrillo and is an avid pickleball player, got some of his friends together to help teach students the basics of pickleball. Principal Kirstin Bittel said she believes kids should try every sport, so she was more than happy to help host the clinic – and even got in on the action!
Volunteer Steve Gall demonstrates how to play pickleball while a girl in a ponytail watches his technique
A boy in a blue hoodie hits the ball over the net while his classmates look on
Principal Bittel hits the ball over the net while students watch
A girl in glasses smiles as she hits the ball over the net
A girl in sunglasses aims her racquet at the ball
School Photos - National School Breakfast Week
Students at Carrillo Magnet K-5 were treated to a tropical treat on March 6 – pineapple and mango pancake stacks! The special treat is in celebration of National School Breakfast Week, and was provided by TUSD Food Services.
A little girl smiles as she gets ready to dig into her tropical pancakes!
A Food Services employee in a Hawaiian style shirt makes tropical pancakes for students.
A stack of tropical pancakes layered with pineapples and whipped cream sit next to a pink lei and some seashells.
Two Food Services employees in tropical attire smile for a photo!
A little girl with glasses smiles with her tropical pancakes!
School Photos - STAR Night
On February 2, our school hosted STAR Night, a space and solar system-themed STEAM event. The cloudy skies and intermittent rain kept students and families from being able to use telescopes outside, but there were still plenty of indoor activities for everyone to enjoy.
A boy holds his space themed craft
Parents and students stand around a table working on space-themed crafts
A cardboard setup with the words The Moon by Oliver and cutouts of the sun and planets
Two women look at a table filled with space-themed science projects
A young girl reaches for markers to work on her space-themed craft